Health Care

Tiger Hills Health Centre
The Tiger Hills Health Centre is part of the Prairie Mountain Regional Health Authority and is located at 64 Clark Street in Treherne.
Services offered at the Tiger Hills Health Centre
  • Acute Care Serivces

  • Medical Services

  • Mental Health

  • Personal Care Home Services

  • Public Health 

  • 24 hour EMS

Other health services available in Treherne: 
  • Home Care Services

  • Adult Day Program

  • Community Bath Program

  • Elderly Persons Housing

  • Meals on Wheels

  • Occupational & Physiotherapy Services

The Tiger Hills Villa is a 21-unit independent living facility attached to the west end of the Personal Care Home. Tenants lease their homes which surround a multi-purpose area for larger gatherings.

Tiger Hills Health Centre P.O. Box 130 Treherne, MB  R0G 2V0  Phone:  (204) 723-2133 Fax:  (204) 723-2869  


M.I.L.E.S. for Seniors 

Enjoy having a place of your own but you have some chores you just can't manage?  M.I.L.E.S. can help!  There are several services that M.I.L.E.S. offers. Click on a link below to download more information about M.I.L.E.S. for Seniors programs: Volunteer Opportunities
M.I.L.E.S. Services
M.I.L.E.S. Driver Service
M.I.L.E.S. Equipment Loan Service
Treherne Seniors' Meal Program
Rathwell Seniors' Meal Program


Tiger Hills Transit 

Tiger Hills Transit is a transportation service designed to provide mobility to handicapped and elderly persons.  The transit is available for individual or group use; weekdays, weekends and evenings.  To book please call Ivan (204) 526-2423.  For more information click here.


Age Friendly

For a free copy of the new Manitoba Seniors' Guide, contact the Manitoba Seniors and Healthy Aging Secretariat at 1610-155 Carlton St., Winnipeg, MB  R3C 3H8 or call the Seniors Information Line at 204-945-6565, 1-800-665-6565 (toll-free) or visit

 The guide is also available online at

211 Manitoba - Online information system that connects families and service providers with health and social services throughout the province.  Click here for more information.


Katie's Cottage

The Municipality of Norfolk Treherne supports Katie's Cottage, located directly East, within walking distance of Boundary Trails Hospital in Winkler, MB. Katie's Cottage is a place to rejuvenate, rest and take a break from the hospital. Guests can register and stay overnight at an affordable rate while their loved one is admitted at Boundary Trails Hospital. For more information on Katie's Cottage or to learn about Katie's story, please visit .